How GOS can support food development

Bouteille de boisson lactée

Galactooligosaccharides (GOS) are a type of dairy fibre that are also classified as prebiotics. These milk components are highly sought after in infant nutrition applications due to their nutritional benefits. Beyond milk formulas, GOS can support nutrition at every stage of life. They can also be technological assets in food development processes. Read on to learn how and why!

GOS are dairy fibre molecules in the prebiotics class

In our previous blog article, we looked at the nutritional powers of galactooligosaccharides (GOS), which are milk fibre molecules and part of the prebiotics class. GOS are made up of galactose components bound to glucose molecules. They are not digestible by humans which means that they support fermentation of good bacteria during the digestion process, which in turn leads to health benefits. 

When incorporated into food recipes, GOS can also help consumers to reach the international recommended daily intake of fibre (WHO), which can often be difficult for people to achieve. 

In this article, we continue our focus on the nutritional benefits unlocked by incorporating GOS into daily food recipes, and more specifically, on how our SICAGOS provides technological support to contribute key functionalities to foods.

GOS provide fibre to support brands’ nutritional positioning

GOS boost foods’ fibre content

With GOS concentrates, and more specifically with SICAGOS by Eurosérum, food manufacturers can either add a new source of fibre or boost the initial fibre content of their recipes. Depending on their goals, they can develop products that are compliant with regulations on nutrition claims, opening new marketing opportunities as they can target "source of fibre" or "rich in fibre" claim levels! 


Balance between glucose and lactose

Using GOS in recipes helps redefine the balance between glucose and saccharose and, in some specific applications, can allow manufacturers to target a reduction in sugar, for example.

To better understand the potential contributions of GOS in a sugar reduction approach in dairy drinks, EUROSERUM has developed and tested concepts for recipes containing SICAGOS. These dairy beverages recorded an improved NUTRISCORE, in addition to a boost in fibre content. 

Fresh dairy products with SICAGOS

Opportunity for a joint approach with protein enrichment: unlock the potential of a 100% dairy approach

Adding SICAGOS to protein-enriched products like skyr or sport drinks can complement their nutritional values as well as providing prebiotics and additional health benefits. In particular, implementing a comprehensive dairy approach (GOS + proteins) to make product offerings clearer to consumers is a plus.


Supports calcium absorption

Increasing good bacteria in intestinal microbiota via GOS consumption can also lead to improved calcium absorption. (Vulevic et al., 2015; Walton et al., 2012; Whisner et al., 2013).

Echantillon de GOS
Beyond nutrition: GOS are an exceptional functional asset for food producers!

SICAGOS is a GOS syrup which provides many different functionalities to the food recipes it’s used in. It is suitable for a wide variety of matrices, from dairy products to dairy supplements and including bakery and nutritional products.

Among the functional benefits of GOS syrup, manufacturers will appreciate:

  • Its high solubility, making it very easy to use in beverages and yoghurts and resulting in a smooth and homogeneous finished product. 
  • A water-holding capacity that can keep bakery products moist and spongy and manage water activity while helping to maintain the product’s shelf life.
Famille de 2 parents et 2 enfants
GOS: a key ingredient to help support nutrition at every stage of life!

With both functional and nutritional benefits, GOS are a key dairy ingredient that is suitable for use in products for consumers of all ages!

For children ages 3 and up: pleasant taste and fun format

More and more kid-friendly products are being developed with an eye to both practicality and fun! GOS are a great option for developing gummies that kids will love: colourful and pleasant-tasting, with fibre content that their parents will appreciate. Drinkable yogurts with adapted recipes are also definitely a good option with GOS on the ingredient list!

In a balanced diet for adults seeking active nutrition

Nutritional solutions are a growing market segment for people looking for everyday products that support their active lives and healthy lifestyle without compromising on indulgence. These solutions provide consumers with practical and enjoyable foods while also offering nutritious alternatives: nutrition bars, protein-enriched snacks, and fibre-enriched cereal bars are trending on the end market. 
When it comes to performance, athletes pay particular attention to their health from a holistic perspective. Fibre is a perfect fit for recovery products that facilitate the digestive process and contribute to overall well-being. In addition to protein-enriched pre-workout products, GOS-enriched solutions can be part of a comprehensive performance-oriented diet. 

Supporting women's health

Given the beneficial effects of GOS consumption on calcium absorption and bone mineralization, studies have shown (Abrams et al., 2005) that premenopausal women also benefit from this form of dairy fibre. 

Meeting seniors' nutritional needs

Since digestive issues increase with age, fibre intake is particularly important for seniors, who can definitely benefit from nutritional intake of SICAGOS. SICAGOS is easy to use and can be integrated into a blend for flavoured dairy creams, desserts or beverages.